20 Businesses You Can Start for Less than $100 from Your Kitchen Table - Money Chanel

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20 Businesses You Can Start for Less than $100 from Your Kitchen Table

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Business Ideas for Under $100

When it comes to launching a small business, most people think that there needs to be a huge financial investment and while that is true for many small businesses but it is not always the case. There are indeed many businesses you can launch with little to no startup costs. So, next time you are faced with the question what to do with 100 dollars?, Consider these collections of 20 business ideas that you can realize by investing less than $100.

1. Teaching

Ask yourself what you really good at or what you’re really love doing? The answer will help you to start a business for less than $100. Once you identify your passion, then you can make a business out of teaching. Most people do not give enough exposure to their natural talent or aptitude. However, with the right amount of confidence, you can turn your passion into a business; which is also how most successful businesses start.

2. Business coaching

If you possess a great deal of business experience and knowledge, create a business that helps aspiring entrepreneurs find success? You can use your skills to help new business owners and startups get off to a good start and help experienced entrepreneurs keep up with demand. To show your knowledge and skills and bring clients, you can also write articles about business on online platforms.

3. Blogging

There are many examples of bloggers making thousands of dollars every month by uploading quality content to their blogs and selling ad space. Surely less than a $100 is enough to start a blog and work on getting its readership up. You can even start a blog without money with blogging platforms like Blogger.com and WordPress.com.

4. Affiliate marketing

If you are a person who loves leaving customer reviews on sites like Amazon, stop doing it without profit. Word-of-mouth advertising is a huge lead generator for many companies in the world, and many companies are willing to share a portion of their profits with persuasive individuals who will promote their products to the public. If you have a personal website or YouTube channel or Instagram account with a large followers this might be easier to accomplish.

5. Handmade craft seller

Online sites like Etsy and Art-Fire are platforms that make it easy for crafters who can produce and supply of quality handmade items like crocheted blankets or unique painted glassware. Start-up costs are extremely low if you purchase your materials in bulk from a craft supplier and if you can turn around orders quickly, you will be making a profit in no time at all. It is even possible to turn your online store into a big shop.

6. App development

Mobile applications are more popular than ever, and people are willing to pay huge money for ways to manage their lives from their smartphones. If you have a great idea and happen to know coding then you can run with it and create your app yourself. If you just have an idea and don’t know there is many online platforms are available to turn it into a reality, there are plenty of software developers and companies are looking to collaborate with people on app creation.

7. Instagram consulting

Instagram’s growing popularity not all brands know that what they doing on the app. If you have a background in marketing and a passion in social media and photography then you can easily go for Instagram, starting a consulting business that focuses on the popular photo app will be give you a great opportunity to make money while helping other businesses improve their content and thrive.

8. SEO consultant

Search Engine Optimization is the ins and outs of search engines; do you have the skills in platforms like Google Analytics? The owners of many smaller companies do not realize how much of an impact SEO can have on their business. Educate the company owners the power of search engine optimization and how it will help to transform their websites into a more SEO friendly. Use your skills to show business owners how to handle their analytics data the right way and how to use properly the keywords and structure content to get more traffic.

9. Drop shipping

You can start an ecommerce business without holding any inventory or any own website this practice known as Drop shipping, comes with low risk and tons of upside if you can dominate the right niche.

10. Freelancing

Whether if you are a web developer or writer freelancing is a good business idea that pretty much requires nothing more than your talent, laptop, and internet connection. Thanks to the numerous websites, that post freelance gigs like Fiverr, with that you can start easily.

11. Vlog with YouTube

Since every laptop and smartphone comes equipped with a built-in camera, so anyone can start create videos and posting them to YouTube. If you have knowledge, that you want to share or just incredibly, charismatic then you can start profiting from your vlog through ads.

12. Sharing economy rentals

Thanks to the sharing economy, many people are opting to rent items instead of purchasing them. You can rent anything car, parking space and household items like furniture, wedding cloths. You can start with a niche and slowly expand to big carriage. If you do not already own them, you can purchase for under $100.

13. Handyman

If you are able to make minor household repairs like broken switching or broken electrical outlet or sealing a pipe under the sink, then this is another business that does not cost more than $100 to start; also it is in high demand.

14. House sitter/pet sitter

Starting this business essentially requires no initial investment. You can start asking your friends, families and neighbors if they need someone to watch their home or pet when they go out of home.

15. Homemade gourmet foods

Whether if its chocolates or soup mixes or jellies, people are love homemade gourmet food products. If you have already a kitchen then you need cooking supplies, packaging materials and basic marketing to get started.

16. Professional organizer

We live in a materialistic world or technology world; it is easy to start getting overwhelmed by all the stuff that’s consuming our homes or offices. Professional organizers can help people get their homes or office back-in-order for no more than $20 or so on classified or online ads.

17. Green Cleaning service

You can start by offering a green cleaning service that uses eco-friendly and natural products. To handle the company yourself will help you to grow fast and also you can start selling eco-friendly natural products with this business.

18. Grocery delivery

Many grocery store offer delivery services, but not all of them. There is a chance that your local mom-and-pop grocery store doesn’t. Therefore you can charge customers to go to the store for them and deliver their groceries to their door steps.

19. Flyer distribution

Small local businesses still hand out the flyers or place them under windshield wipers. You pretty much just need to make a lot of copies and distribute to nearest door steps.

20. Virtual assistant

Almost similar to personal assistant in which you answer phone calls or respond to emails and maintain a schedule for your client. The difference only is you do this remotely.

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