People spend huge amounts of money on things they don't really need or on things they might find cheaper in another store. There are many practical and easy ways available to save money. It requires only a little effort and willingness.
Here are a few ideas that will help you get started:
1. You can use what you have at home to make them yourself instead
of purchasing gifts. Loved ones would appreciate the fact that with your own
hands you spend time and effort making them something.
2. Re-gifting is nothing wrong (as long as it is not the same
person who first gave you the gift).
3. Buy a $2.00 bag of popcorn kernels and get a lot more popcorn
than the popcorn bags in the microwave plus it doesn't burn when you pop it up.
4. Abandon your addiction to the coffee shop. It really adds up to
stopping a latte on the way to work every day. Brew at home your own and save a
5. Stop going on an empty stomach to the grocery store, or you're
going to spend much more than you intended.
6. By buying them when they're on sale, buying them in bulk,
shopping at discount stores, and buying generic brands instead of name brands,
you can save big on food items.
7. Don't just use a coupon because it makes the product cheaper for
you even if you don't really need it.
8. Get more mileage with scheduled check-ups out of your ride and
take overall care of it.
9. Cancel subscriptions to your magazines and newspapers. You can
read nearly any news item or story online for free these days, sometimes on the
website of those very magazines and newspaper.
10. Dry your clothes outdoors and save on energy bills when the
weather allows.
11. Instead of dining out, try dining at home, or better yet!
12. Rent a video instead of
spending money on the movies.
13. Stop buying books, use your local library to borrow books.
14. Bring to work your lunch. Try to do it at least a few times a
week if you can't do it every day.
15. Verify that your phone and cable bills are checked. You won't
believe how many people are billed for things they never subscribed to
(accidentally or otherwise). A friend of mine discovered last year that she had
paid her phone company an extra $560 for something she didn't even use. She was
fortunately able to get credit for it.
Also Read: Find out a
Good idea!
16. That's right. Always ask your doctor if there is a generic
prescription brand available that he / she is about to prescribe. Generic
medicines contain the same ingredients and do the same, but are much cheaper
than brands of name.
17. Home exercise instead of joining a gym. Cancel your gym
subscription to save money.
18. Follow your expenditure. Knowing where each dollar is going
helps you budget better and reduce unnecessary habits of spending.
19. Dear brothers and sisters. Start paying with cash for things.
Seeing real cash leaving your hand will help you reduce unnecessary long-term
20. Buy from thrift shops clothes, toys, CDs, furniture etc.
Also Read: You
can start your own blog here
21. By comparing a few things when you buy a car, you can save
thousands. Some of these things are gasoline, insurance, maintenance and repair
22. Dear brothers and sisters. To ensure that your tires are
properly inflated is a simple way to save on car fuel.
23. By buying clothes for the next few years at the end of the
current season, you will save tons. Most shops have what they call sales at the
end of the season.
24. Styling and hair care can be expensive. Choose a simple
hairstyle that is not going to break the bank.
25. Entertain your family through your community's free
entertainment activities. In most local areas, there are tons of free concerts,
parks, museums, exhibits, etc., and some of them are more entertaining than
paid versions in all honesty.
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